The blue sky appears due to Rayleigh scattering phenomena.
Let me try to explain why the sky is Blue:
1. Sunlight: Sunlight is a mixture of all colors such as red, orange, green, yellow, and blue. This contributes to turning the sky blue.
2. Gasses in the atmosphere: When sunlight enters the Earth’s atmosphere, it interacts with various gases, especially nitrogen and oxygen, along with trace amounts of other gases.
3. Scattering phenomenon: The molecules of gases like nitrogen and oxygen are much smaller than the wavelength of visible light. When sunlight interacts with them, these gasses scattered in all directions. However, the shorter wavelengths of light, such as blue and violet, scatter more easily than longer wavelengths, which results in the blue color of the sky.
5. Our perception: Our eyes are more sensitive to blue light, which is why we perceive the sky to be predominantly blue.
It is interesting how the sky can take on different colors based on different factors. Depending on various conditions, the sky exhibits different hues. During sunrise and sunset, the sky has an orange or red tone. Various other factors such as pollution, dust, and water vapors also affect the appearance of the sky.